Can only enter one character in search bar
The search function on Windy stops functioning after inputing one character while using the Safari web browser v. 15.3 on Mac OS Big Sur.
Hi I get the same issue with Safari browser on iPad, when using the web version, not the app.
Same with Route planner, I can’t change the speed of the mobile. No longer possible to enter or modify the speed on iPad. Very annoying. -
@idefix37 @Pirrelvag I tested both devices, I have access to and I am not able to replicate it in any of these examples. I will keep an eye on it.
Same issue on Safari IPad IOS 15.8. Chrome ok. Recent problem noticed a couple of days ago. -
Noticed today, Chrome with IOS 15.8 also only accepts one character from the keyboard on all text input boxes. Same with Safari
Same for me on iPad both with Safari and Chrome. Only one character in the search bar and no way to enter / modify the speed of the mobile in Route planner feature.
@idefix37 And do you use the same iPadOS as @eloigorri ?
Yes my iPadOS is 15.8.2 -
@idefix37 Okay and only the browser version in mobile UI or full one?
What do you mean with full one? -
@idefix37 You can display the desktop version of Windy on iPad in the browser, it can be handled in settings of Safari, so I want to be sure you use the mobile interface.
@idefix37 I already was successful in replicating it. The issue is related to iOS and iPadOS 15 only, I already forwarded it to colleagues.
Yes it is with the desktop version of Windy on iPad in the browser -
Safari and Chrome now working ok.
Thanks for getting that resolved.