No data on weather radar in Antigua and Barbuda
It's been over 24 hours that the weather radar in Antigua and Barbuda and north east of it has been showing "no data". Why is that?
Looks like it's fixed now, though I'm still curious as to why this happens.
@Florent-De-Neve This is usually caused by an outage of third party provider that sends data to us. We usually cannot do much with that.
This has been ongoing again for several days. Is there truly nothing that can be done? Can the third party be contacted in some way?
This is due to a major outage of the weather radar on the island of Guadeloupe since last summer.Radar map from Météo France
So Windy can't do anything.
@idefix37 oh I see, thank you for your reply. It's strange because it was working fine for most of the time in the past few months.
Would it be possible to use this as a source? Rate&Sector=EC_Bar&Composite=Sria&ANISP=700&MAPP=1&PlanetOfTheApes=1611758007