Dust mass
Are the measures for dust mass based on sea level? If not how many feet are the dust mass figures start from sea level?
@ipapaiacovou i know earthschool use weight of dust pr m2 in a column from surface to space in metric tons, which gives a broad view of the circumstances. most dust usually levels out at heights of 12-15000 feet so below that should answer a little.
my amateuristic guess would be either at 2 amsl or 10 amsl.
i can just confirm that both eartschools and windys dustpredictions of the gran canaria kalima feb/mar 2020 where spot on, 30 meters visibility around puertorico, and a mindblowing incendious breeze (usually the calmest area at G.C) roaring the beach and surrounding hills.
It appears that the dust mass data provider has changed recently. Previously, this was NASA data.
Now the same layer displays Copernicus data.
I assume that the μg/m3 are for the average of a total column from the ground to the top of the atmosphere? Or just near ground ? Could you confirm and add it in the related information. I am not been able to find precisely this parameter in the CAMS documentation.
By the way. the new color scale destroyed my customized scale, but that's not a problem :). -
Thanks !
It is at 1013 hPa, so amsl.
I understand now why graphics of dust mass in Copernicus website are said at 0m.May that would need to be specified in the information about this layer.
You are right, we'll add it to the description