AROME altitude layers : a survey
Please allow to have AROME altitude layers, would be very helpful for us French paragliding pilots!
I'm also interested, arome is THE model for France.
This is much needed Windy team, it'll boost your app adoption in the vol libre communities even further, as we currently have to use many different sources to derive a meaningful forecast. I have been premium subscriber for years to support the team. Thank you in advance!
Hi, it would be amazing to be able to use Arome 2.5 for altitude layers. I hope it is possible one day!
Merci pour votre travail, avoir arôme sur sounding serait un vrai plus pour affiner nos prévisions aerologiques.
Merci encore -
Same thing here. Arome altitude layers would be great !
Windy is such a great tool and arome layers is a must. Don't understand why it is not already there!
Oh yes. That would be so gooooood! As a matter of fact I rarely use arome unfortunately because of this limitations: altitude and also forecasts for only 24 hours. I would go get it on meteoblue for example wich is too bad since we can have it all on windy.
Please please ! replace Arome1.3 by Arome2.5 (with Altitude) ! 2.5km is already a very nice resolution and, as Samy stated, if the 2.5 output comes from the 1.3 forecast, there is no point in keeping the full resolution at surface and depriving Windy aficionados from the highly reliable Arome forecast above surface ! There's definitely a demand from the community ! Many thanks to the Windy developers!
Yes please it would be incredible to have altitude layers with Arôme 2,5 instead of 1,3 surface. For the time being, we only can predict our trajectory with the altitude layers of ECMWF, which is not ideal at Day-1 or early morning of the D-Day...
Thanks for Windy anyway ! -
Ok I vote for
@ukenfly i vote for it too ! Excellent idea
@vicb oui, mais les conditions de surface sont aussi à prendre en compte (petit déco en plaine à basse altitude,on vol pas tous à 3000...😅),il nous faut idéalement le vent au sol et le vent en altitude (meteociel,par ex...)
@Silversurfer75 je ne pense pas qu'une grille a 2.5km soit gênante en plaine?
Comme le dit @Samygallego les prévisions sont exactement les mêmes. La seule différence est la résolution de la grille.
Il me semble donc que arome2.5 serait mieux pour tout le monde?
Samy (qui est ingénieur prévisionniste chez MF) pourra sûrement nous éclairer un peu plus. -
Vivement les couches d'altitude avec Arome..., c'est extrêmement important pour les parapentistes,merci pour votre aide !😜
@Silversurfer75 Surface layer is also available in AROME2.5, see documentation here : particular the details for packages here :
(En français : les champs de surface sont aussi présents dans AROME2.5, voir la doc ici : particulier le détail des paquets ici :
I need to know altitude wind strength and direction too
@Samygallego said in AROME altitude layers : a survey:
Hello the Windy team (and windy community),
first, congratulation and thank you for your work, very appreciated ! This post is not just another post asking for AROME altitude layers, it has been asked many times, see for example the following links for the most recent ones: answer from the team is always the same : AROME1.3 is only available at surface, for the altitude Meteo-France gives only AROME2.5.
I would like to be sure that the team and everybody understand AROME1.3 and AROME2.5 are the SAME model (with a grid of 1.3km for calculation), only the output resolution is lowered (but still ok !), probably to save space and reduce data to be downloaded. I think not many people care of having so much precise resolution of 1.3km for visualization, but I am sure french paragliders and gliders pilots (and some of the neighbors, as spanish paragliders) would love to see altitude ! Especially in the Pyrenees where ICON D2 is not available, but also in the Alps for comparison with ICON D2.I have contacted the windy team and they say it is possible to replace AROME1.3 (at surface) by AROME2.5 (with Altitude) but they need to see there is a demand from the community.
I have also contacted Victor, creator of the excellent plugin "better sounding" and he would happily add the AROME model to the list if windy team is adding altitude.
So if you want this change, please make some noise (replying or liking this message) !
Many thanks.
Great, let's have ARÔME 2.5
Merci Victor pour ce super outils , oui Arome serait un GROS plus.
Par contre n'utilise pas Arome a ma connaissance, mais un dérivé de WRF (mais le futur site de NicolasB. oui par contre: )
Meteo-Parapente runs it's own NWP model, which have been specifically tuned for soaring.
The resolution is approximately 2.5km for the central zone and 7.5km for the dashed outer zone.The model runs on a HPC supercomputer, just like the ones you find at NASA. (ours is slightly smaller 😉 but we still have a huge electricity bill)
The core of the model is based on a modified version of the WRF-ARW and custom software that have been freely inspired from DrJack's RASP Blipmaps.
The initial and boundary conditions (=input data) comes from the GFS coupled to a lot of others datasets (NOAA, NASA, USGS, Copernicus, DWD, Météo-France...).