AROME altitude layers : a survey
Merci Victor pour ce super outils , oui Arome serait un GROS plus.
Par contre n'utilise pas Arome a ma connaissance, mais un dérivé de WRF (mais le futur site de NicolasB. oui par contre: )
Meteo-Parapente runs it's own NWP model, which have been specifically tuned for soaring.
The resolution is approximately 2.5km for the central zone and 7.5km for the dashed outer zone.The model runs on a HPC supercomputer, just like the ones you find at NASA. (ours is slightly smaller 😉 but we still have a huge electricity bill)
The core of the model is based on a modified version of the WRF-ARW and custom software that have been freely inspired from DrJack's RASP Blipmaps.
The initial and boundary conditions (=input data) comes from the GFS coupled to a lot of others datasets (NOAA, NASA, USGS, Copernicus, DWD, Météo-France...).
By the way, Windy already uses AROME 2.5km but in overseas domains.
And not with altitude parameters
je vote pour aussi, tres utile!
@idefix37 Yes you are right, but remark here this is AROME-OM (Outre-Mer) and the 2.5km is the grid used for calculation (and also for the resolution output). The altitude layers seem to be present.
@Samygallego said in AROME altitude layers : a survey:
ut remark here this is AROME-OM (Outre-Mer) and the 2.5km is the grid used for calculation (and also for the resolution output). The altitude layers seem to be present.
Good to know,
I just added AromeReunion and AromeAntilles support to the sounding plugin.
Thanks Samy!It will be released in v3.0.7
Yes, I never noticed that altitude parameters were available ! :)
Of course the domain is different. But when you say that the calculation in France domain is also 1.3km for the 2.5km version, this is not an argument because the final resolution is 2.5km. And this would be the real resolution in Windy.
It is the same with GFS whose computation resolution is ~13km but not for the end user despite some saying so. -
@idefix37 Unless you want to know the temperature and wind of your neighbor living at 1.3km from you, this resolution is useless.
What is important is the grid resolution for calculation because if you want to solve explicitly convection (which AROME does), you need to have several gridpoints on your clouds (which are some km big for Cumulonimbus for example). Otherwise you need parametrisation (which global models do).
Do you see now the importance of grid size for the model vs grid resolution for the visualization ?
I vote for as well !
I wish that also!
@vicb I am nicolas, the developer of and a supplier of AROME data for Windy.
My understanding of why Windy doesn't display AROME is probably because the data servers from Meteo-France are not technically reliable. It is OK for downloading the surface data, but not for downloading the bulk altitude dataset. Windy needs to maintain a certain quality standard that is difficult to achieve with an unreliable data source. Meteo-France servers can collapse at any moment. It happened more than one time - the track record is quite bad. Velivole has regular outages due to unavailability of MF data. Meteociel has outages too but doesn't care much about branding. On the other side, Windy dreams to be the Apple of weather forecasting - they can't risk that.
I can't imagine the PR disaster and if tens of thousands of users were to subscribe to windy specifically for AROME data, and this suddenly disappears due to a technical problem at Meteo-France. (And trust me, I have been practicing MF for 10 years, the risk is more than real!). I wouldn't like anything in the world to be windy's support team on that day.
(BTW, Meteo-Parapente doesn't use AROME but my own model
@nba Salut Nicolas,
Thanks for your inputs.
Windy should definitely make sure that they can reliably access the data before switching. That's a very good point.
@pin38 already mentioned that mp is using a RASP based model, sorry for the confusion. -
I heavily support this request to have the altitude parameter available for the Arome model!
It's the only one missing... even if we know where to find that information elsewhere (meteociel for instance), i prefer windy's display and my recent paid membership is so support such features to be released!Thanks!
Couldn't agree more, I concure everything that has been written. Arome altitude layers would be a great add on. If you can, we'd be grateful !
I Agree!… So Please WINDY Team, could you put AROME 2.5 into models and Meteograms ? AROME 2.5 is the best model for us flyers and paragliders!
Hi @Suty,
You see a strong demand for the 2.5km version of AROME over France and neighbours in order to get altitude parameters.
More than 30 posts in one day.Same as already provided in the Indian Ocean and the Antilles.
@idefix37 I already forwarded this thread to the product team. I will keep you posted.
UPDATE: It seems that the team approved the change. So it only takes now some time for developers to get to it and handle the change. Thank you for your patience.
@Suty Woohoo 🎉
That's so good to hear - we will make sure to share the info in the PG community when it is implemented.
There are many pilots flying the Alps that will use AROME.
Thanks to @Samygallego for submitting the idea and involving the community and thanks to the windy team for agreeing to use AROME 2.5!
@Suty Great, many thanks to the team, very reactive ! 🙂
@vicb said in AROME altitude layers : a survey:
Thanks for your post @Samygallego
I have had the same feedback from many paraglider pilots: AROME would be awesome.
PG pilots have little interest in surface conditions, what they are looking at to check the conditions is the sounding forecast - that's why many users complained about the v42 update when the plugin sounding stop working for a few days before I had time to update the plugin to the new API.
AROME covers the Alps where thousands of people are flying on good day. Here in France is popuplar because it uses the AROME model but the UI is way less friendly than windy.
Please switch to AROME 2.5 🙏.
Windy is the best ❤️