Suggestion for radar option
Please please please add an option in settings to disable predicted radar in the future. I want to be able to scroll through only what actually happened, not probably erroneous predictions. At the moment I have to watch the slider as I move it going “real .. real .. real .. oops, fake”.
Leave the cursor on the white bar and you’ll get only the real radar loop. The extrapolation is only shown if you press the red bar. -
@idefix37 I know that, but I don’t want to have to watch the bar. I want to look at the map as I scroll to and fro.
This particular user wants to (a) place finger on time scroller, (b) stare at a point on the map, (c) whilst staring at the map, move the finger from left to right and back again, to see only real radar returns. Currently this is not possible.
You can still do that now. Forecasted reflectivity leaves a beehive-like (hexagonal) pattern behind, marking (on the map) where it was last observed. This way you can distinguish forecasted data from observed ones without having to look at the timeline.
I also would like to have the predicted rain (red line) to be removed. It gives 100% more space to manually have the real data examined. In my location on a small island in Thailand, it has never predicted correctly. And on a phone app the history line is now too short, I think. Especially if you go to last 6/12 hours data. Maybe an additional setting ”show predicted…”
Thank you for your feedback and understanding -
FWIW, I find the current behavior of this just fine the way it is, and it's very nice to have the option of visually extending the actual radar into the projected forecast, especially for fast-moving fronts (common in much of the US, especially here in Texas!) The current UI design for this seems well though-out to me.