No funciona la capa de acumulado de lluvia??

Same here.
I really need this to work. Subscribed for premium yesterday and I am regretting it already. -
It appears that the outage is also concerning to Wind accumulation.
@virpz Don't regret it. Ever since I got premium over a year ago, and used it as a free member for several years almost daily, this has never happened to me before. I know there were minor and a few outages in between, but they all are rare. Maybe windy is overhauling the accumulation layers and instead of having an option for 12 hours, 24 hours, 3 days, 5 days, 10 days, it would be on each hour or three hours just like for all of the other layers.
Well, my home state is on it's knees, we have more than two hundred thousand displaced people. have you ever heard of 280mm in 3 hours ?? We are in collapse, my city has received already 393mm for april, and may reached already 400mm in 9 days. Now for 4 days the rain went to the south of the state, flooded it and went fast to the north, past our borders. Rain is coming back on friday and we still have terrible floods all around the state. I was using IA to cross data with the windy images and try to direct the people I know to safe zones. -
same problem here... I'm in Brazil and this information is essential now