NodeMCU based PWS suddenly stopped sending data
Hello. I have a 4-year PWS that regularly publishes data on Wunderground,, ThingSpeak and Windy.
Beggining April 29th, Windy stopped showing my data and the reports no observations received anymore, despite the PWS being nominally operational and uploading data to all services, including Windy.
If I upload data manually using the URL method, Windy promptly recognizes it
For instance:
Can you guys help me troubleshoot this? What could be wrong?
I checked all the obvious places and also did not find or read any changes to the service or API methods.This is the code I am using, since it is a NodeMCU ESP8266 hardware:
char server4 [] = ""; char WINDYPAGE [] = "GET /pws/update/?"; ---------------------------------- void windy(void) { if ( counter == 16) { Serial.print("Connecting to "); Serial.println(server4); WiFiClientSecure wifiClient; if (wifiClient.connect(server4, 443)) { Serial.print("connected to "); Serial.println(wifiClient.remoteIP()); delay(100); } else { Serial.println("connection failed"); } wifiClient.print(WINDYPAGE); //wifiClient.print("station="); //wifiClient.print("0"); wifiClient.print("temp="); wifiClient.print(tempc); wifiClient.print("&tempf="); wifiClient.print(temp_f); wifiClient.print("&humidity="); wifiClient.print(humidity); wifiClient.print("&wind="); wifiClient.print(windSpeed * 0.44); wifiClient.print("&winddir="); wifiClient.print(CalDirection); wifiClient.print("&windspeedmph="); wifiClient.print(wind_speed_avg * 0.44); wifiClient.print("&gust="); wifiClient.print(windgustmph * 0.44); wifiClient.print("&dewpoint="); wifiClient.print(dewpt_c); wifiClient.print("&mbar="); wifiClient.print(baromhpa); wifiClient.print("&precip="); wifiClient.print(rain); wifiClient.print("/ HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n"); wifiClient.println(" "); delay(1000); } }
Thank you in advance for your time. -
It maybe help ... -
@Gkikas-LGPZ Brother, thanks a lot.
I used this Github forwarder and know it forwards my Weather Underground data directly to Windy, great!!I really don't know what's up with Windy. Anyway, thank you for this suggestion.
I also send the coder a little something for his work.Best!
Jeffo. -
Thanks @jf_moreira! Let me know if you have any trouble with it. And thanks @Gkikas-LGPZ for spreading the word 🙏
@xd1936 Thank you, Leo. Your work also lets me publish data on CWOP easily so I am sharing my data with one more service. Warm regards from Southern Brazil.