Activate Premium on Samsung 22g
I'm trying to log into on the app to activate my premium access but the login screen pops up and disappears not allowing the login. Windy is install on a Samsung 22g ultra. How can I login and activate the service?
Did you post here with your mobile or with your computer?
Here on the forum you are already identified as a Premium user, as shown by the badge next to your username.
But do you want to log in on your Samsung with different credentials ? -
I idefix37 referenced this topic on
I posted on my home computer. I have a new samsung 22g I'm trying to change to. However, I can't get access on it. I can get it on my old phone LG V30 and my home computer. I can see the Log in window pop up when I click Go Premium and Login. However, it immediately goes away. I'm not sure what to do to login. -
@randy1 Do you see the same behavior if you click on the menu and the the login button?
On the 22g samsung I can run Windy. There is a menu button that show a circle with horizontal lines in it. When I press that button it shows option for displaying different weather displays. At the top of that screen is another "Go Premium" button. When I press that button it shows what Premium includes: and a Login selection near the bottom. When I touch Login the login screen slides up from the bottom and quickly slides back down.If that is the menu item you are talking about, it does the same as the one on the map screen.
@randy1 Can you share the screenshot of the menu after tapping on that red circle with three horizontal lines, the menu?
I'm not sure what I did differently this time but after selecting the menu button (3 lines) and selecting login the login menu persisted. I entered my email and password. Windy then changed to Premium. Did you change something about the login?
Thanks, Randy -
@randy1 HI, I did no changes at all, however, I am glad you are successfully in your Premium account.