Forecast Day/Date is Incorrect
When looking at the forecast, the day/date is one day off. It currently shows that it’s Sunday the 12th even though it’s Monday the 13th. This is seen on Android phone, Apple tablet, and Windows PC (Firefox).
Attempted closing app and clearing cache. Tried connecting to Windy on WiFi and Mobile data. The first picture shows the issue.Clicking around, it appears that there is a "split" down North and South America where the west shows Sunday and the correct time (Late morning at this point) and the east shows Monday but the highlighted time is 0:00. The "split" doesn't appear to be lined up with a timezone. For example, the second picture is North Carolina.
Everything appears normal all around the rest of the world. This last photo is a town in Svalbard.
Pardon my imperial units.
I see this too. The problem goes away if I log out of my premium account or go incognito.
I have the same issue, forecast is skipping today and showing tomorrow as of today. Clicking the hours in the tabular forecast move the map to the right point in time though.
It's happening for me on the android app and in chrome browser, incognito or not. -
Same issue. Plus my forecast button is showing a completely different forecast from when i move the slider across the wind map bar. Forecast button seems to be giving very wrong forecast. True on all models.
Thank you for reporting this. I already forwarded this issue to colleagues, so I will keep you posted.
UPDATE: It should be already solved. If you see anything wrong, please let us know.