All forecast data wrong?
All forecasts provided by Windy for a location (zip 57501) appear vastly different from other weather platform forecasts for the same location - even when using the same source. For example, the Windy GFS forecast for today calls for rain from 5-7 pm. forecast has 0% chance of rain. Same for Apple weather, and Accuweather. Both desktop and mobile versions of Windy display the same forecast for all models.
Same issue today for 77520 and SE Texas. Predictions all day from other sources for severe thunderstorms. Which in fact have been occurring for last hour plus and expect for several more hours. All models on Windy site are predicting no rain and have not changed all day. Something very wrong there.
🪣⛈🧽 For the record...
Same problem in Brazil
It seems like all weather forecasts are shifted one day forward.
It seems like rains that were supposed to be on Tuesday are showing up for today. The forecast that showed rain on Saturday yesterday is now indicating it will be on Friday. -
@rodrigogusso Yes. Same here. Something wrong with at least mblue and ECMWF. Perfect weather here with 0 clouds and nothing nearby. However those two models show rain all day. NOAA had correct forecast and 0% precip, and happened as well (today).
Without more precision about your location, without screenshot, without comparison with weather stations, without more information… what can Windy conclude ?
@idefix37 Oh sorry. 21769 Middletown MD USA. Now the hhhh forecast is incorrect, it seems. Also here are the pictures of Rain and Thunder from Windy and Weather Radar, IMHO they look different.. and it's light raining right now where I am. Thank you.
C Caefix referenced this topic on
While this seemed to be resolved earlier, the issue is back and there are wildly different forecasts being displayed for the 57501 zip code among the comparison tool display and with other independent sources of forecasts.
@MikeMuSd Can you provide examples in screenshots so we can check that on our end?
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