Clouds in route planner are missing
I encountered a strange behaviour, while using the route planer feature. As seen in the first picture, I created a route. The problem is that there are completely no clouds showing up in the 2D view at the bottom, despite the fact that there should be clouds at that time and location. Or more precisely it shows no humidity in the atmosphere as that's what I think the graphic is acutally showing.
The strange behaviour is that it seems that when I move any waypoint sufficiently far away from the rest of the route, the clouds magically appear. This worked with every waypoint I tried. For example see the next picture, where I moved the last waypoint.
I am using windy in Firefox 126.0 (64-Bit) and Windows 11. Am I doing something wrong, or is this a bug?
best regards
Peter -
@peterhanns Can you replicate this somehow? It looks like a bug, but I am not able to replicate this to forward this to colleagues.
@Suty Thank you for the quick rensponse. I tried it right now and I was able to replicate it. This time I tried it somewhere else and with a shorter route. And while doing so I found something new. While using my new shorter test-route it always occured when the route got longer than 100km. In the following picture the route is just above 100km and there are no clouds showing.
In the next picture the lenght of the route is shown as exactly 100km and the clouds are there.
But that seems to be not the whole story, because my original route was always significantly longer than 100km and had problems as well. When I increase the length of a similar shorter test-route, which has the same Problem at 100km, even more (to somewhere in the low 200km), the clouds appear again (did not capture a picture). It seems to me that they dissapear an come back several times when increasing the length of the route. Concerning the replication of the bug, I can't replicate it consistently. I don't know what the route really needs to look like to have this behaviour. I try one or two routes and then I usually get another one with this behaviour.
best regards
Peter -
@Suty I looked at it again and got some new info. I played with a test-route consisting of just two points. I increased the length in steps of about 10km each so that the overall length is always somewhere between two whole tens and then looked at the result. In other words starting somewhere between 0km and 10km and looking at the clouds, then increasing to a length somewhere between 10km and 20km and looking at the clouds and so on and so forth. In my previous post I stated that i do not consistently encounter this bug, but after playing for a bit now and seeing more of the pattern I think I do get it always and therefore can reproduce it consistently. Back to my little experiment. I noticed that the clouds disappear in the following intervals (I checked up to 500km):
100km - 110km
210km - 230km
430km - 440km
450km - 460kmThis is in line with my original encounter with that problem, because my real word route with that problem is 218.9km long and therefore falls into one of the above categories.
As statet above I came across this problem in Firefox 126.0 (64-Bit) and Windows 11. In the mean time I tried
Microsoft Edge 125.0.2535.67 (64-Bit) and
the windy app Version 42.1.4 on Android (EMUI 12.0.0),
where the problem is not present and
- Google Chrome 125.0.6422.113 (64-Bit),
where the problem is present as well.
Has anybody the same problem and can reproduce this?
best regards
Peter -
@peterhanns Hi, I successfully replicated only interval between 210 and 230. However, we have got something. I will forward this to colleagues as a bug, however, I cannot tell you now when this will be done.
@peterhanns I have a quick update for you. It will be fixed in the next release.