Map centering
Viewing the numerous webcams in a particular area through Windy, a location map access is provided. Whenever clicking on a single webcam, the map is centered on it. Is there an option to turn centering off?
Preferably, one would like to first adjust one's map view (size, centering) to contain the cameras of interest. Currently, clicking on any camera corrupts the map view, moving some cameras out of the map.
@Random-User-753 Unfortunately, this is not possible at the moment. I am sorry about it.
@Suty Android doesn´t center the map, what´s done different in that code?
Maybe it needs only some copy & paste - and a switch.Edit: That´s toggeling the menu, webcam does centering, more confusing here is the unintended zooming.
Edit2: It zooms in when double tapping, so it seems to be intended. -
If of signifigance, the quoted personal experience was collected using "Firefox" web browser running under "Windows 11" OS. Seemingly behaviour can be different or even "better" with an other OS. There's hope!