Can u make Elevations Sticky?
I find in my area 2500 feet gives the best view of what's going on weatherwise and is very handy but when I swap around the various buttons I lose the elevation every time and have to reset it.
Can u make it sticky so I don't have to reset when I go back all the time?
@NateWr Unfortunately, if you visit the layer in Windy, which doesn't offer the same elevation level, the altitude slider is reset to the default level. We decided to handle that this way, since it is not that confusing for majority of users.
@Suty ,actually suty,i have great problems mousing the altitude lever, i do have E.T. that shivers my hands badly,but its well medicated and no drinks spilled anymore, but still a nightmare to adjust, the old vertical style worked much better for me and made more sense than an airplane button that really shouldve been a flightradar.
its just a sigh of frustration and agonizing grit due retrying and sweating to find the exact pixel that adjusts the altitude level, couldve been so much better on the functionality, when i write this on behalf of me and all the other squareheads on the windy squad.......
im pleased that 30000 meter level has joined the party.i couldve listed alat, ill be back, so make my day easier and fullfill our wishes also the topic holder.
i use laptop on tv screen 70'',HP comp,old but still a decent netsurfer.
best regards
ørjan p stien
over there you know -
You can use the Up and Down arrow keys of your keyboard to move the Altitude slider -
@idefix37 ,hi i'm quite invalid on using the keys, i use mouse pointing keyboard on screen due to health issues making me laying flat on my back on the bed/sofa with a custommade mouse, therefore easability an functionality is a mustve for me when surfing and using websites as windy, earthschool, ventusky,, wunderground meteoblue and others, also the reason that i misspell ''easy to use'' is alfa and omega.
using a smartphone is utopian for me as a working platform. so fasillitation and occupationality on the webspace is a must from you as a deliverer of these products. im not colourblind ,god have mercy on them, but its a great mountain to climb when you changed the base that in the start was just a hill, you know the film by hugh grant and the welsh sense of pride...
i might sound like a crybaby, but im still fighting to comprehend my ability to use windy as my number one choice on the weather vizualisation arena and im not yet at stephen hawking level on functionality...
again best regard
OK I see your issue is not easy to solve.