I do not like how you moved everything to the right side.
I do not like how you have moved everything to the right side. This was a bad and dumb move. I liked it better when elements you clicked on on the map had the slider info bar come from the left, and the right icons on stayed exactly where they were. I DO NOT like "static" elements on a page being moved for literally no good reason. This is as dumb as coders that design volume buttons to not fully show until you mouse over them, and then reveal the volume slider "somewhere" that you must now find and move your mouse to.
The GUI changes you have been making to the web version over the past year have just been yucky. And I swear all the extra eye candy has been slowing things down. I absolutely HATE HATE HATE slow and clunky web sites. I like the simple on/off toggles better if that makes things faster. They were easy to understand, and I only needed to use my scroll wheel to look through the list.
@rbush , you took my words out of my mouth, so hear hear...
ive just surrendered from complaining,they dont listen to us squareheads anyway, and toggle buttons everywhere would be splendid,just like a banana split or a singapore sling, its the ability to choose that matters, and the more (maplayers and toggle buttons) the merrier.