wrong rain amount three days forecast
As a camper I love the one to 10 days rain amount forecast. Due to my understanding the figures shown on the map represent the total amount of rain during the amount of days chosen. However, as shown in the screenshots for Bassum (south of Bremen) total amount of rain for the following three days is 3.5 mm, tap on „wheather report for this spot“ indicates only for Friday 9.2mm, for Saturday 5.1mm hence 14.3 instead of 3.5.
Your 2nd screenshot shows that the rain forecast comes from ECMWF. Have you selected this same model for rain accumulation?
I see that for example if ICON is used for rain accumulation it switches to ECMWF for forecasts at that location.
2 weather models do not give the same forecast for the amount of rain. -
@idefix37 No, I have never changed the forecast model. It‘s always been the same same.
@idefix37 However, when I change to i. e. ICON the data seems consistent. Hence the problem seems to occur only with ECMWF.