Warm, cold and occluded fronts
Would it be possible to add the Warm, cold and occluded fronts in the weather charts?
For me as a mountain guide that is very handy. -
@goncalosilva , hi, yes i agree 100%, so welcome and join the line of opportunists that have asked for full and complete front service from windy too...for months and years... its not that complicated, but i bet my life that windy managment waits for a decent ''plug in'' to be made by some decent weather nerd within the royal community of windy users. neither nor , i hope we will have a front toggle switch in the near future to come,
so thumbs up my fellow mountaineer, i wish i had that luxurious problem, like climbing the alps or dolomites, we have a hump thats 121 masl called sålefjell here at karmøy norway,but quite a task when reconvalizing th2 crush fracture, ''im on the top of the world'' i screamed having crept the mountain/ hill /ridge /bump (the first time a.t.a)or whatever they call it, the view though is magnificent from that low a vantage point, ill recommend it if youre in my area...
so yes ,fronts on the maps we want...