Disappearing altitude slider
What in the world is going on with the developers and the UI? You implemented a disappearing altitude slider? WHY??? Why do you follow all the horribly designed UI's that hide sliders such as volume sliders? They are the WORST. You first have to "click" on an icon to reveal the slider, then move your mouse to what you want to slide and then move it. THEN, it all disappears after a short time.
Now let me explain why this is so stupid. I'm sitting here doing flight planning. I like to use the altitude sliders to help me evaluate various elements such as wind. I move the slider to 6400ft and look at the wind. After I review that, I want to move it to FL100, the problem is, THE DAMN SLIDER IS HIDDEN NOW. So once again, click the airplane icon, slider pops out, move your mouse over to 6400ft and bring it to FL100. Review the wind, hmm, that's interesting over here, was that 6400ft level more favorable, I'll go check? Go to move the slider back to 6400ft AND THE DAMN SLIDER IS HIDDEN AGAIN!!! Click, move mouse, AGAIN, slide AGAIN, review AGAIN, rinse and repeat the entire time you are trying to evaluate wind.
PLEASE, STOP! Stop making stupid UI's that are constantly moving things around as you click on things. Stop with this right side crap for everything, that cause everything to move when it expands, including the map. Nothing is more frustrating than loosing your place visually either for icons that have now moved that didn't need to, or something you were looking at on the map that is now in a different location, or damn sliders that appear and disappear.
I don't know what has happened to UI's any more. Gray overlays on top of paused videos, icons that move around, sliders that don't show until you click them, stupid dancing icons that take up graphics/CPU and slow things down. Just stop it. Go back to being the lean-mean UI that you used to have.
@rbush ,hi ,i have a disappearing altitude bar too,after pushing plane button, ive to hit the right pixel to move the lever ( im a mouser),otherwise it flies away at 200hpa usw. its darn frustrating if you ask me.i sympathize with you and all the others that has become addicted to past perfectivity, thats been drained down the s-lock and merely pressed into the framework of a telephone.
they shouldve given us the right to choose new/ old UI, at least premium certificated users that pays for this change that nobody saw coming.
so ''dont give up'' she and him sang 40 years ago,and when left unchanged its tremendously beautiful, otherwise we borrow his ''sledgehammer'', cause ''we're so fatigue''.