When and how often are the weather data updated?
The table below describes when and how often are the weather models updated. All times are in UTC.
Model / Runtime Update interval 0:00 6:00 12:00 18:00 ECMWF 0.1° 12h (6hr in Premium) 00:00 06:00 12:00 18:00 GFS 6h 00:00 06:00 12:00 18:00 NESDIS 5 days - - - WaveWatch3 6h 06:00 12:00 18:00 00:00 NEMS Europe 12h 08:30 - 20:30 - NAM CONUS 6h 04:15 10:15 16:15 22:15 NAM Alaska 6h 03:15 09:15 15:15 21:15 NAM Hawaii 6h 04:15 10:15 16:15 22:15 ICON-EU 6h 04:30 10:30 16:30 22:30 ICON-D2 6h 02:30 8:30 14:30 20:30
Shortened version of this link: on.windy.com/WeatherDataUpdate
Is it possible to get historical data to see what winds were doing a couple years ago
Thanks for the information
Thanks for the information.
Thanks for the information
Thanks for the information
@meteolaespina Nice job.
@tomslavkovsky i am chinese ,我来自中国,我想买一年会员,网站提供了几种支付办法,由于条件限制,我都没办法完成,这个软件对我来说很重要,我主要关注降雨,降雪的情况,有没有办法啊?
@敖包锌矿 Hello, you can buy Windy Premium at https://www.windy.com/subscription?50.850,4.350,4
@korina 网站提供的几种支付手段,中国并未普及,我也无账号,有没有别的办法
@敖包锌矿 Hello, I understand your situation. However, we do not offer any other payment method than credit card or Paypal.
hi! When and how often are the weather data updated?
In the mobile app, see About this data.
In the website, click the small circled i in right bottom corner -
K Korina referenced this topic on
DWD updates Icon EU and Icon D2 model every three hours. As far as I see, Windy only updates every six hours. Why doesn‘t Windy use these data to be more actual?
@mwicher Hi, thanks for letting us know. We will look at it.
Thank you! You can see it at windguru.cz or Kachelmannwetter.de (meteologix.com). I would be happy if I could use these data in Windy as well as a premium user. Icon D2 is normally updated every three hours and ICON EU is sometimes called Icon EU flash, because they provide a shorter time window for the actualization between the six hours-window. It is a kind like ECMWF with the difference of eight runs a day (ICON) versus four runs (ECMWF). Best regards, Michael -
hi. I am fromt vietnam
Sorry for replying to such an old article, but are these reference times? I ask this because my limited understanding is that, for example, the ECMWF model is updated using these reference times, but the actual time when the model update is publicly available for viewing within the Windy app is much later (by like 8 to 9 hours after the reference time according to a pinned FAQ article I read on here, but even that article was confusing since it states this and then give the example of 00:00 Z being the reference time for ECMWF and then gives 07:15 Z as the update time, which is less than the 8-9 hours stated in the article's previous paragraph).
To confuse matters further, the "update interval" listed on the app for the ECMWF model states "6-7 hours," which less than the update time given in the example given in the FAQ article. Also, the reference time currently listed at 2:18 PM EDT for the ECMWF model says 06:00:00Z (which is 2:00 AM EDT), but it says that it was last updated at around 10:44 AM EDT (14:44 Z) with the next update time at 3:44 PM EDT (19:44 Z). Why would it be showing a forecast with a 06:00:00Z reference time when it was last updated at 14:44 Z? I suppose that falls within the 8-9 hour update time range listed in the FAQ article though. If that's the case, then why is the next update time listed as being 7 hours and 44 minutes after the 12:00 Z reference time (which is when the next model update runs for ECMWF)? That falls neither within the 6-7 hour "update interval" listed on the app or within the 8-9 hour range listed on the FAQ article.
Additionally, the HRRR model is said to update hourly, but the updates seem to only occur every two hours at about about 33 minutes past the hour. The reference time currently listed for the HRRR model at 2:18 PM EDT is 16:00:00Z, which is 2:00 PM EDT. However, the app states that the last update occurred at 1:33 PM EDT with the next update occurring at 3:33 PM EDT. How can the reference time be later than the update time? I'm super confused by all of this.
I understand many different factors affect the processing and download times of each update, but is there an approximate average of how long it takes between the reference time and when the Windy app shows the latest update for each model? Can anyone help shed some light on this for me? Thanks!
@jphart03 said in When and how often are the weather data updated?:
Hello, I recommend checking this article which explains the difference between reference time and update time - https://community.windy.com/topic/11361/a-difference-between-reference-time-and-update-time