Roll (Refresh API Key)
Hello -
Could you advise how i can change the Professional API Key i have? We had a technology development company work on our startup company website last year and now have a new development company finishing our project.
The issue is that the previous development company still technically has access to our API key for the website work they completed last year.
Thanks for any assistance.
@spartanwx Hi, to be sure about the issue of yours, you need to change the API key under paid license, am I right?
@Suty Yes, that is correct.
@spartanwx Please create a new API key on your end and provide us with the API key (here in the chat window for instance, not here in the public thread). We will switch the licence there then for you.
@spartanwx HI, we already moved your Professional licence to your new API key you share with us. To be clear, I deleted your message with the key immediately, since anyone could potentially use it.
@Suty Thank you very much!!
@Suty Hi - Should i delete the old API key?
@spartanwx If you already tested that the new works, I think it is the best option then.