3 hour time step rainy and 1 hour time step dry
When choosing 3h time step, weather forecast is rain, but when choosing 1h time step, no more rain. I could not add 2 screenshots,  is not a valid method.
To add a screenshot
See a related post about the rainfall in 1h and 3h steps
https://community.windy.com/topic/12851/rain-forecasts-issue/2?_=1662019240555 -
@idefix37 thank you
Trying now
@Martin-Lefebure it says parse error after choosing screenshot and pressing upper right arrow to send reply.
This can be due its weight. Can you reduce it?
Or sometime you just need to repeat the upload.Anyway, I gave an explanation, did you check it ?
@idefix37 screenshots are 239ko only so it seems pointless resizing them.
I took a look at the comments related to my question they are relevant thank you.