Overlay goes black on iPhone
In the past week or so, the entire layer overlay has started going black. For example, instead of showing any colors on the wind layer, the screen will be black occasionally. It works sometimes, but then the screen will go black. The "display on map" objects are still visible. Sometimes changing the zoom level will temporarily fix the issue. This is on iPhone running iOS 17.5.1.
@aerocooper HI there, can you please specify your iPhone model and version of Windy? Also the screenshot of that issue would be nice.
@Suty I am using and iPhone 14pro; version 17.6.1. I took a screen shot and tried to share it but obviously don’t know how, or have encountered an issue. My problem is the same. Screen just goes black. Sometimes an error is shown and I am to restart app; sometimes not.
See how to post a screenshot
I get the same black screen on iPhone. But I just need to zoom in a little and the layer appears.
Version 42.5.5
iPhone SE 17.6.1The white dot is remanant from a previous route planning.
@idefix37 Is anything to replicate to get this state?
No it happens from time to time. I’ve not found t what it is could be correlated to. -
For example, I just opened Windy on my iPhone. No problem. A minute later, I opened it again and the screen is black. Just pinch to get the normal layout. -
@idefix37 And did you have the app only in the background?
i have a Netatmo weather station reporting on the iPhone.
I logged it out, but still have the black screen at start up. No similar issue on iPad. -
Today, since I deleted the app and reloaded it from the AppStore, it seems to be working fine. I haven't had a black screen.