wave forecast for Otisco Lake
Could you please clarify whether the Icon model wave forecast for Lake Otisco is a real forecast for that lake or an interpolation of values from the Great Lakes (Ontario Lake)? If interpolation, how do you assess the correctness of such a forecast?
Thank you!
Hi @Mary_G, ICON wave model (and wave models in general) usually don't provide data all the way to the coast. So yes, You are right, we extrapolate them a bit further to make visualization a bit nicer.
This is what raw forecast data for Ontario lake from ICON global wave model look like:
@Filip_K Thanks, Filip! It turns out that on such a small lake as Otisco, I cannot rely on this forecast, did I understand correctly?
@Mary_G yes, correct. Otisco lake is not covered by ICON global model forecast (which is not available as of now anyway). And even if it was, its size (~1.5x9km) is very small compared to model grid (~13km for ECMWF and ICON, ~22km for GFS) so the forecast isn't fine enough.
@Filip_K many thanks, Filip!