Outdoor Maps - Can I remove it
When using Windy on the web, when I zoom closer, I get an "Outdoor Maps" bubble in lower right of screen. I don't like it. I never saw it before yesterday. It takes up too much room, and on my laptop, causes left-side menu to go into two columns, also taking up too much room. I would love it either to not be there at all, or for me to have some option to never show it, like a user preference. I've looked around but cannot find a setting to suppress it.
@danwelborn66 I meant, "right-side menu".
Ok, I realize I'm using an old Chromebook and therefore outdated Google Chrome browser... version 103.0.5060.132. When I look using an up-to-date Firefox browser, the "Outdoor Maps" option shows as a footer across the bottom of the page, and right-side menu displays better. However, it still does reduce the visible map area some, but not as much as in my first comment. I still might like a way to close it or not show it. I think I remember this option to switch maps like to Satellite view (showing aerial photo view from above, of the map/terrain), was offered as a little circle near the top of the left-side menu, much smaller and unobtrusive. The new/current way it is showing is more invasive.
I agree. This new banner on the map page in iPhone is infuriating. Please provide instructions for removing it.
This Hope outdoor maps can be added again explains that the "Outdoor Maps" bubble can be removed by zooming out.
Zooming out removed the "Outdoor Maps" bubble so that I could see other information that was being hidden by the "Outdoor Maps" bubble.