Isobars do not display using URL with correct tags.
Using this URL:,36.659,-77.582,7,i:pressure,m:eHlad1g
Notice the "i:pressure" in the URL?
This is the URL tag that is populated when the switch is turned on in: More Layers, Isolines of Pressure.
But, when I pass this URL into the browser the lines do not appear. When I am leaving the page for a different URL (Google, CNN, etc.) the Isolines appear for a split second. This has to be a bug.
All meteorologists want to see the pressures without having to drill down to a switch that is buried in the menu system. Very frustrating. I love so don't interpret this comment as being negative, please. It is the best tool for weather that I use every day!
I did just notice, in the bottom right of the main window there is a very small "Pressure" switch that I have never noticed before. It's that small!
I can live with that, but even still, the switch should be set when the page is posted using a new URL. When I refresh the URL from a bookmark in my browser the "i:pressure" appears in the URL then is removed from the URL. Something is wrong with the URL parsing tool upon post.