Why no "rain accumulation" in the past tense???
An incredible amount of info with paid membership, but can't understand why there's nothing about "rain accumulation" in the past 12/24/48/72 hours??? I hear from friends globally about severe events and flooding "in the past" day or two, but as simple as it is to report this, there's NOTHING I can find to check what's happened on Windy.
@PjinNC , well that is the handicap of windys mission, they do not delve into the past, like us hobbyclimathologists does..., its for sure a brand new world of '' past weatherdata '' out there that windy very easily could connect too, and im sure they couldve tenfolded their subscribtions if they couldve made an edib le version on ''how it was'' actually.
but i doubt windy will do that, cause its an utopian task to succeed even 90% as a global weather data server, the amount of verifyable weatherdata are too houmungous, the visual forecasting is their ''gebet'', and they are not bad at that i think we all may agree on, even though there are tasks and layers that still are missing, like fronts and ability to combine different layers and soforth...
so use your national weather service for climate data and rain that fell then and then...you could actually make a fortune if you had a big cloud enough.
ørjan -
@PjinNC - yep, I agree.