Bug: Overlays are jumping around
Hey Ivo & Team,
recently, on Chrome on Windows 10, the overlays (especially wind and pressure) are "jumping" around, sadly I can only show how it is mismatched, the timestamp on the screenshot might give you an indication of how it develops. After some time, everything seems to fit again, I think, but it seems to be a "process" of matching everything together^^
It seems like I can not upload anything here: "413 Request Entity Too Large
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Here is a Dropbox-link to the screenshots:
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9eeqplvtkco4w7q/AADwsv3Kc09q71MIfaAgDLS8a?dl=0It's not a very big issue to me, but it is a nuisance....
I have to admit, I already got used to this cool site, and need to remind myself of the first moment when I saw it :) - so thanks for providing such a cool and useful tool, totally for free!
Well check new version of WindyTV. SHould be fixed