Fire danger vs fire intensity
I am new so no idea how the forum works yet. Hope I am asking the question in the right place.
I have noticed that fire intensity was changed by fire danger?
Can you keep both?
How did you measure fire intensity? My profession is related to fire safety and civil protection, would love to understand more. -
Fire Danger is based on the FWI (Fire Weather Index). This system ingests weather data and calculate indices in order to identify fire hazard in areas. The FWI in particular gives the public a "hazard" level to indicate how likely a fire can occur and/or spread in a certain area.Fire Intensity can be seen by the "Active fires" layer now - this layer is found where you find the Reported temp, Reported wind, Airports, Webcams, etc layers. This layer is based on radiative power. The data is from NASA's FIRMS. The higher the MW value the higher the radiative power given off that area - it's measured by satellites. You may have to use some reasoning with this layer as it can pick up fires, as well as urban centres and industrial plants and things that give off enough heat to get flagged in FIRMS.
If you click the little "info", "i", or however it shows in apple devices, you can see some information about the data you have displayed. Within the "About these data" section there are links you can click to find out more.
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