Time Zone Issue for PADU Unalaska 53°52'N / 166°32'W(Eastern Aleutians, Alaska)
Beta version places Unalaska (PADU-Unalaska) in America/Adak (UTC-10) time - when we should be in UTC-09. Not sure where the 'official' divide to the west of us is - but we ARE by convention placed in UTC-09
This site has the correct info: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/usa/unalaska
Backstory: Prior to 1983, Alaska had 4 time zones. Because of all the time confusion for flying around the state, we decided to lump them into TWO TIME ZONES. In Unalaska (PADU 53°52'N / 166°32'W - Eastern Aleutians,Alaska) we elected to use the same time as Anchorage because it was only one hour off Pacific Time. That was important to us because the largest fishing port in the US is located here and the industry is substantially based in Seattle so... it was just 'easier'.
Adak is about 400 miles west of us so they logically stayed with a more western time zone. The international time zone makes a zig around the end of the US Aleutian Islands.
Thanks - this new site is interesting. I use 4K monitors and the detail is awesome boggling!!! :)
Some needs a bit of mental adjusting to - MAY HAVE SOME OTHER RECOMMENDATIONS AFTER i USE IT A FEW DAYS...
Actually, I have a couple based on the older version so will address in a different feedback...