Humidex and Wind Chill
I just paid for the auto renew premium edition of Windy and now that I have been learning how to use it properly I've discovered that you do not have Humidex or Wind Chill charts available, and apparently you have no plans to include them.
I use the Humidex (summer) and Wind Chill (winter) every day to determine if it is safe to walk and how to dress. It is sad that although I just purchased the auto renew windy app that I still have to keep the weather network app around as it provides these items for me.
I guess that now I will need to evaluate whether I cancel my subscription since I don't want/need to have two apps.
@dsmythtds , hi, i say it again, issue layers for windhill, heat index, thw index and thsw index, (thw is temp-hum-wind) (thsw is temp-hum-solar-wind). there are formulaes issued and used by davis vantage pro weatherstations and loggers, these formulaes should easily by a math eccentric be turned into layers of interesting ''how it feels like''-intelligence at windy.
the more layers the merrier is my slogan, and that should be windies too. and lets not forget CO2 layer that shines a light of oblivion on the chemical fraternity layers at windy.
windy also , when considering the number of merchant and hobby shippers that use windy at all and any time 24/7/365, lacks an sea/freshwater ice cover layer, wouldnt it be good to be on their side too??
i hope the weather fronts will soon come too .
and that meteosat issues their newest images from their next generation satelitte soon
i also liked the idea of an algae layer in the ocean, i bet noaa or even the norwegian havforskningsinstitutet in bergen norway have some cool stuff there
but most of all on top of all the other stuff, id like to have satelitte map for free usage, just like the winter and summer map.