Timestamp observation vs. forecast
I can't believe that there's nobody from the developer team, who can answer this question properly:
I'd like to know, what timestamp is the reference for the forecasts, which is compared to the observation in the given time?
I.e., the observation of this morning 9:00: Do you compare with the forecast 24h before observation time, or 12h, or the forecast closest to the time of observation?
To me, it's important to really weigh the fit of the forecast to the actual weather situation.
Couldn't find this information anywhere.
Thanks in advance! -
I'm not a developer, but the forecast used for the Observation vs Forecast feature is definitely the model forecast at the time of the observation, i.e. that of the last model update.
@idefix37 Do you mean, for each hour, when an observation was made, they put the most actual forecast for that hour from the whether models?
To me it would make more sense when they take the forecast i. e. 24h before observation. Otherwise the quality of prediction can't be weighed very good, because only a few hours before observation, they all merge very close to the actual whether conditions. 1 or 2 days before, the models often have quite big differences.