Wind forecast comparison: Duration truncated?
Can you confirm my findings?
Hi @Ftjwinfs, the issue You mention was related to configuration error on our side and should be fixed now:
@Ftjwinfs I see that the issue is still there with 1h step and I already forwarded it as well. Thank you for your patience.
Thank you for the update!
The issue is still there for the 1h resolution. Can this be fixed quickly as well?
Any news on this?
When selecting "Compare forecasts" the timeline is not truncated at a common end time. But when selecting "Wind", the models that feature a longer view into the future are prematurely truncated. See also my attached screenshots.
Can the "Wind" view be extended to show the full time range of the models, as is shown for "Compare forecasts"?
Thank you.
Hi @Ftjwinfs, sorry it is taking so long. Our team has quite a lot on their plate and although it is on their TODO list, it still might take some time before it is fixed.
@Filip_K Thank you for the feedback. Good to hear, that it made it to the todo list.
Awesome! Thank you very much for fixing this with the latest version!!
Another observation with the most recent version (browser), looking at a region of the german baltic sea.
When I select the wind forecast I see the hourly forecast for all models at the lower part of the screen.
When now I select the model ICON-D2, I still see the continuous hourly forecast in the lower part of the screen. But when I try to move the slider to select a specific time, this only goes to a certain date/time, in the example below (first screenshot) until Saturday 17th, 0:00.When I now select another model, e.g. ECWMF, I can select much later times with the slider. When I change time to much later dates/times, the wind arrows on the map change accordingly. But surprisingly, also the wind arrows for ICON-D2 are still shown and change, so apparently there is data available for these later times. This is shown in the second screenshot.
Is this a bug? Why is it not possible to select certain later times with the slider for model ICON-D2, when apparently there is data available for this model at these times?
Forecast length of ICON-D2 is only 48h, then ICON-EU is used (as seen in Your first screenshot). That is why the time slider is much shorter. ICON-EU data are mislabeled as ICON-D2. That is a bug and I will investigate it further.ICON-D2 time slider only reaches until Saturday 17th 00:00, while it should reach 06:00. That is another bug, I will investigate it further too.
Ok, thank you for your feedback.
If ICON-D2 falls back to ICON-EU at a certain date, why not let the slider also include the time that is covered by ICON-EU instead of stopping at the maximum time covered by ICON-D2?
Another suggestion:
Often I want to quickly jump to a certain time to check weather there. To do so, it is quite inefficient to first carefully grab the slider and move it to the desired time.
At the moment, when I want to jump to a certain time, I need to click or tap the very thin line directly underneath the slider. Since this line is so thin, this is quite difficult sometimes, in particular when being underway with a boat. Very often I tap into the map instead...
Suggestion: Instead of clicking/tapping this very thin line, let the user also tap into the region below the slider to set a desired time. See my screenshot where I tried to highlight hat I mean.