Premium Renewal Subscription
Re: Renewal
Why is it that difficult for WINDY to support the customer with simple access to renew?
@labsdadu Hi, do you have any issue with renewing or anything else? The problem is that we need to offer more ways how to purchase the Premium (AppStore, Google Play, Fastspring) and also our users can purchase the Premium as unlogged users.
Unfortunately, these various options and limitations are caused by regulations of certain providers and we would like to have more simple process in our app.
@labsdadu Hi there, please, if you have any questions regarding this topic, don't create new posts. We are already in contact via email address and here as well.
@Suty S
I want to renew my Windy Premium Subscription. Can I pay with a Credit Card? Thank you!
My verified email address in the Windy Profile is you
Robert -
@labsdadu Hi, as I already informed you in our email conversation, you made a purchase with a different email address, so if you want to renew the subscription, you need to access your subscription management with that old email.
Please, there has to be an alternative solution to this! I cannot use my old email address to fix this problem. Please advise