Radar Rendering Error At Over 65dbz
I've noticed this a couple of times in several different countries so it's not tied toa certain countries' radar. The bug is at over 65dbz Windys radar starts to display 65 or 70+ dbz as a hole.
Here is an example this storm was today in East Texas panhandle moving into Oklahoma
You can see the hole in the middle at 65dbz and over.
Radar Omega displayed the storm correctly with no hole.
Hi @uktim32, thank You for reporting the issue. You are right, the color scale (color -> value mapping) doesn't match the one provided on radar FAQ page.
This is what the product looked like in the area You show (notice blue pixels in the "eye" of the storm):
And this is color scale it is supposed to match (no blue pixels at the end of scale):
I will look into this issue.