Need improvement on radar
Your radar doesn’t update enough. Six minutes is too far apart for accurate information.
In your settings for radar. I should have the option of either going live or setting it for one minute updates.
A little shower popped up. It did show it on the radar. Because the updates every six minutes. When the update finally took place. The shower passed us already.
I wanna be able to go and set the radar to update every minute. If you make it live, it would be better.
User should have this option. You’re using the six minute update to cut back on traffic on server. We’re all paying to use the service. I just would like to have it more current.
@choxmeier ,i guess thats a deliverers issue, givs only 15 min intervals on norwegian behalf. use deliverer sites for tighter time series is my advice.
Hi @choxmeier, most of the radar sources (local met offices) provide radar scans with 5-minute step.
We fetch and process them as soon as they are available and usual delay for the whole pipeline (from fetch to delivery) is under 2 minutes.