Lack of ECMWF Updates?
There several reports.. So it is a bug I think
@Tomber42 Unfortunately, still seeing missed 6 hour updates.
Hi @LLXC, ECMWF was missing reference time
. This is fixed now. Sorry for inconvenience an thank You for reporting the issue -
@Filip_K Now there is a missing update for 06Z in the point forecast...But the layer forecast did not.
This is definitely error and should not happen. Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce same behavior at the moment. When I access windy through US servers (where I guess You are located), I get same reference (2024-07-02T18:00:00Z) time for both map and point forecast, which is correct:
I will try to investigate it further. Feel free to let me know if You miss any expected update or reference times do not match.
@Filip_K What you saw is correct, and I also noticed that the point forecast for reference time 2024-07-02T18:00:00Z has been updated normally. This is a strange bug... If the point forecast for 2024-07-03T06:00:00Z has not been updated in the future, I will continue to let you know.
We were able to replicate the issue with UKV model and it is on our TODO list, hopefully fixed with next update. I believe there is no need to report the discrepancy until we fix it. Thank You very much for Your patience and we are sorry for the inconvenience.Same with the other thread.
@Filip_K Thank you and the Windy team: -)
The issue should be fixed now, it should not happen again -
@Filip_K Nice to hear this, thank you again!
Was looking good the last few days but then it looks like we missed another update?
Hi @LLXC, we're not detecting any missing data. Is the issue still happening? Can I get some screenshots of how You see missing update?