API on weather display not valid
i was trying to integrate my weather station with windy with weather display software , but its not sending any data , past few years its working fine , anybody knows solution ?
@subinraja Can you provide more info about the implementation? We can check that on our end and hopefully help you.
@Suty this is the issue i am facing suty , it was working fine past few years , but now i cant see any data on windy , so i create duplicate one and tested too , still no luck , can you please help me to get back online
@subinraja Hi, we started to validate messages coming from weather stations more strictly, the largest change is that we started to validate if JWT token is properly signed. Due to this stations that were working before may stop working now.
I see that you are using some 3rd party software. I am sorry but I can't properly troubleshoot your problem from my end, you will need to contact authors of software you are using.
@David-Ryzec-3 this is weather display software i am using original one downloaded from valid website . any idea , becasue all other feeding working properly .