Feature request: fixed number of the isolines
I want to watch the 5880 geopotential meter isoline (which is considered an indicator of western Pacific subtropical high), but the number change every hour is pretty annoying.
Can number of the Isoline fixed, like tropicaltidbits.com?
@tomacat ,hi,i might miss your point, but weather and its numbers is a dynamic feature that allways change, a high may weaken or strengthen just like a low does, and to simplify nws also use low ,mid and high-levels of hi's and lows. so as mr hadley said once upon a time about going clockwise ,everything 'll be mighty fine...
ørjan -
When you don't understand a user's request, there's no point in trying to respond with gibberish and unnecessary verbiage.
@Tomacat is right. The 5880m contour at 500hPa is considered to be the limit of subtropical air masses. -
I know subtropical high is related to extremely hot weather and typhoons in the Western Pacific (where I live). So I am interested in the 5880 isoline🧐.