Define time in animation
Animations are great - on 2 wheeled ground vehicles most interested in rain and radar ;)
I'd prefer to set individual start/stop time and maybe also speed in that animation
Sometimes 5h are more relevant than 5 days
Thank u
Are you talking about Radar or Rain ?You seem to mix them -
Ok was not aware of differences that relevant here
Focus is on rain - radar in free version is +/-1h in fix and useful speed already
Rain animation is too fast for my cognitive capabilities ;)
Will take out radar from original post
Please could you clarify what you mean with Radar and Rain
Focus is on rain/thunder
Here the animation runs with 2hrs/s maybe and for my purpose would be cool to slow it down and/or choose start/stop for animation
Generally people are asking to increase the speed of the animation.
Anyway, there no way to change it.