Change from Facebook login to email login
I took a premium subscription on my phone through a Facebook login. But I cannot login as premium subscriber on my PC. Now I want to change to an emaol login. How do I do that? Because after I change my email address on my phone, it ask me to login with a password, which I don't have.... [now i cannot login as premium user on my PC - when I do that through Facebook, it doesn't recognize me as a premium user]
@Erik-van-Rossum-2 Hi, I checked your accounts and your Premium is assigned to ym8*****, which is an email address made by Apple. Do you want to change the email in your Premium and make a new password, so you can login with standard credentials?
@Suty Yes. I don't want to use Facebook to login.
@Erik-van-Rossum-2 Okay and should I change the email in your Premium account to ei****
@Suty Yes
@Erik-van-Rossum-2 Hi, it is done, I changed your email in your Premium account.
@Suty Thank you! It works