Unreliable Information
If I start with the cursor at 6 am and scroll forward to 7 am I see the first screenshot. If I start at 8 am and scroll backwards to 7 am I see the 2nd screenshot.
So which is it gonna be?
I've noticed this before: that by scrolling around I can get the app to show me different data for the same route and departure day/time. I just don't know why you would design it that way. It's really annoying.
It's also weird how the location dot on the map is off the route. I think it was there before I switched routes and I haven't clicked on the graph since then. I just clicked the graph in a few places and now I have three location dots showing at the same time.
I recently saw on TV a preying mantis eat a bird 3x it's weight. I think the bugs in your app might be preying mantises.
@tessellahedron Hi, do you see this inaccuracy all the time, or it was one time issue? I am not able to replicate that in different locations.
@Suty It happens all the time.
Playing with it a bit more it appears that the problem is that the slider runs on a continuous time scale but the time display is truncated to the hour.
They should match (both continuous or both discrete) so that the time displayed is the actual start time for the conditions displayed.
@tessellahedron Okay, thank you for provided info. We will take a look into it.