Accidental purchase, email sent. Have not received a reply.
Good day, I purchased windy pro months ago and am happy with it. While reviewing information in Google play I set my phone down as I'm with emergency service and had to attend to something. While picking it up my thumb was inadvertently over a purchase selection.
I just saw "thank you for your purchase".
I had no idea what it was for and reviewing my credit card was shocked to see a pending charge for $307. I sent an email to windy support requesting this be reversed, but as of now have not received a reply and the pending charge was processed. As mentioned I already have purchased windy previously and had no intent to make another purchase. Can you please help.
Windy Pro is a subscription from which is a different weather app with a blue logo. This forum is the community of with a red logo. And cannot manage the subscription you made to another app. -
I idefix37 referenced this topic on
@idefix37 Thank you for clarification on the difference of the apps. The accidental purchase I am referring to is windy weather with the red icon. Please help in reversing this charge.
@MartinT-2 Hi, if you sent the email to, we will contact and help you there. Thank you for your patience.
I have sent you an email. Thanks very much.