No more historical data on Windy (maybe in the future)
Dear IL,
thanks for the rely. I am looing forward to have historical forecasts again - as in former versions of windyty -
Hi, Love your site! I'm another one of the 0.5% of users who liked the historical data function. I'm a snowboarder and it was cool to see a big dump reported then get on windytv and look at the weather set up that created the conditions for the big dump, looking back helped to look forward! Anyway keep up the good work! Cheers GG
I was one of the 0.5% as well to use the historical data. I used the temperature and humidity on the hour to work out how my evaporative coolers will do in certain areas.
Looking forward to getting historical data back. One of the best functions of windytv
+1 to historical data. Makes it easy to check against station readings.
Just wanted to add another voice for bringing back the historical data once you have the staff and resources to support it. I often use your site to plan field deployments of my atmospheric instruments, but it was also VERY helpful to be able to go back and look at the winds aloft once I finish processing my data. Again, I fully understand that you do not currently have the resources -- this is just a friendly shout out in hopes that you will bring the function back in the future once you DO have the resources. Thanks again for all of your work!
-- J -
I also want to toss in my encouragement to bring back Historical Data. I used to use your product, but have stopped coming here, other than once every few months, to see if the Historical data has returned. It was the main tool I used to plan sailing routes and times of year. I understand your reasons (small team, lots of work) but I just wanted to let you know that it is important to many of us. I look forward to when you get it working again!
I know what you guys like to use this site for, but I wish to tell you of a completely different way that you were likely unaware of in which I was using these historical forecasts.
Your historical forecasts, when combined with the Outgoing Longwave Radiation 1 week daily data from the United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Earth Systems Research Laboratory allowed me to successfully find where the outgoing longwave radiation anomalies were due to prior days cloud cover, or due to something more nefarious.
With the information from your website, along with the OLR data from NOAA's ESRL I was successfully predicting the locations of larger M6.0+ earthquakes. These OLR anomaly maps for the day come out typically about 12 hours after the day has ended. Without this historical reference for cloud cover and rain/storms, I now have no reference to tell which OLR anomalies are due to cloud cover, or due to potential incoming large earthquakes.
I beg of you to please get this option back up and running as soon as it is physically possible. Lives are truly hanging in the balance for this special feature.
Best Regards,
No change of colors in the settings
@ivo Hi, Dear Friend, can you send me historical data from 01/01/2015-31/12/2016 on my email
@mocandrey I will do it first thing in the morning bro. :-)))
@ivo Hey, How long will it take?
@mocandrey Just like the headline says: "maybe in 4Q/2017". Sorry for the inconvenience.
historical data was one of the best features of previous version... hope we can get them again ASAP :)
@Pavel-Neuman What year would you start the historical forecasts, if it would return 4Q of 2017?
@Siony-Mario We will see, too early to even think about it.
I recently completed a 5 week westbound summer sailing cruise around the Great Australian Bight. This was planned last year using the historical data on Windy TV, which is much more relevant than the traditional alternative - Pilot Charts, which are based on the averaged noon reports of mariners going back hundreds of years. Pilot charts are at best issued averaging a whole month, over 5 degree squares. GRIB based data at 3 or 6 hour intervals, day by day, at 1/4 degree resolution provides a far far better tool for understanding how wind systems progress in past seasons. I'm a yachting writer, and reported this beneficial use of Windy TV, but had to add that the restrospective review of data was no longer supported by the site. I'd encourage WindyTV to restore historical data as soon as practical, and to progressively extend it to earlier years. It will become an important resource, not otherwise available to the ordinary sailor.
Thank you for this excellent site. I look forward to be able to evaluate our pollen forecasts, which benefit allergy sufferers, with reference to historical data!
Historical Data! Cmon!
Dear Sirs,
As a new member of the 'windytv community', I appreciate what you say about not having enough staff to upkeep historical data.However, surely it doesn't need that many people to upkeep what amounts to Weather Records? Have you thought about outsourcing the work?
My concern is that you will lose out to such Weather Sites as Metcheck and Weather Underground, who not only have accurate, localised forecasts, like yourselves, but also maintain historical data on a daily or even hourly basis.