Horizon Distance plugin..but not working
I'm trying to create a pluging able to show a circle on the map that show the horizon distance according to where we set the pin.Unfortutately I'm not able to make it working, so I write you here to ask your help if you see any big mistake on the code
import { onMount } from 'svelte'; let horizonCircle; function initializeMap() { if (window.W && window.W.map && typeof window.W.map.on === 'function') { console.log("Map is initialized, adding click event listener."); W.map.on('click', onMapClick); } else { console.log("Map not ready, checking again..."); setTimeout(initializeMap, 500); } } function onMapClick(event) { const lat = event.latlng.lat; const lon = event.latlng.lng; console.log('Clicked coordinates:', lat, lon); fetch(`https://api.windy.com/api/point-forecast/v2/${lat}/${lon}/elevation`, { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Bearer MY_APY_CODE (POINT FORECATS)' } }) .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { console.log('Elevation data:', data); const elevation = data.elevation; if (elevation !== undefined) { const horizonDistance = calculateHorizonDistance(elevation); console.log('Horizon Distance:', horizonDistance); drawHorizonCircle(lat, lon, horizonDistance); } else { console.error('Elevation data not found'); } }) .catch(error => console.error('Error fetching elevation data:', error)); } function calculateHorizonDistance(elevation) { const radiusEarth = 6371; return Math.sqrt(2 * radiusEarth * (elevation / 1000)); } function drawHorizonCircle(lat, lon, distance) { if (horizonCircle) { W.map.removeLayer(horizonCircle); } console.log('Drawing circle at:', lat, lon, 'with radius:', distance * 1000); horizonCircle = L.circle([lat, lon], { color: 'blue', fillColor: '#30f', fillOpacity: 0.2, radius: distance * 1000 // Convert km in meters }).addTo(W.map); console.log('Circle drawn:', horizonCircle); } onMount(() => { console.log("Starting map initialization check..."); initializeMap(); });
On the console.log I get always "Map not ready, checking again..."
Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
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