PM 2.5 data inaccurate
- has accurate current data displayed indicating unhealthy PM2.5 for my area (PM2.5@127). According to Windy, PM2.5 is clear and healthy @ under 10 on the scale for my location when I can currently see and taste bad air. Locations down wind of active fires also show very low PM2.5! Disappointing in Windy's data! Premium ask for $$ for accurate data??
@Browndog1 🏭 Have You tried the air-quality switch?
@Browndog1 , hi , no personal offence, remember the pm2,5 data maps is a ''forecast'', what itll probably be according to wx models...seems like people, me and you included has forgotten that ...
so if air taste like unhealthy, it usually is that ... take immidiate action
have a glorious day
In addition to what @Ørjan-P-Stien says, here is what the PM2.5 layer means in Windy.These large-scale forecasts do not provide any local precision.
As @Caefix said, it is better to rely on the readings of Air quality stations in the POIs.