Alerts useful for paragliders
Re: Paraglider friendly setting for Alerts
Hi there,
I was looking for help on how to set alerts for paragliding and came across this post from 2021 with exactly the same questions as me. Any chance we'll see this implemented soon? Two simple improvements would make the alerts actually useful for paragliders:
- 'Max gust strength' setting - trigger alerts only when the base wind is right AND the gusts do not exceed a certain strength.
- 'No rain' setting - trigger alerts with the correct wind and no rain at the location over the selected period (doesn't have to be all day, a shorter window is fine for coastal flights/ground handling).
This would allow alerts to give a decent indication of good and safe conditions for flying or ground handling - which at the moment they don't. I would pay for premium to add more alerts if they were useful like this.
Many thanks for your consideration :)
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