Windy Integration with React: Seeking Help with Plugin Initialization
Hello there,
After spending several hours trying to add Windy to a React project, I managed to hack my way into React-ifying Windy and got it to work. I’m planning on releasing the library once it's ready. However, I’ve hit a snag that I could really use some help with.
The Issue:
I can't seem to figure out where the @plugin-menu plugin is initialized so that I can reset it properly. The problem arises when the component unmounts and mounts again. Without resetting, I encounter an error when the plugin tries to reinitialize. I've found and reset some global variables (like window.W) that were causing issues, but I can't locate where the plugins are initialized.The Error:
When I remount the object multiple times and try to open the menu, I get the same error as many times as I’ve remounted the map. This suggests that some data is stored every time the plugin is initialized—perhaps in a callback function? I’m considering downloading Chromium to dive deeper, but it’s quite heavy, so I wanted to check here first.I also downloaded the library and slowly and painfully de-obfuscating to maybe understand what it does with the plugins after all the variables are a little more readable.
What I Need:
Does anyone know a hacky way to reset the plugin? Any insights would save me a ton of time and effort. Regardless, I need to figure this out for the project I'm working on.Thanks in advance for any help!
@Στάθης-Σταθόπουλος After de-obfuscating around 4000 lines of the 15000 I realized the problem is double event handles that are left over from the first initialization and even though I clean things after an un-mount the event listeners are still there and for example on menu click the fetch the new W.define and reload the script. I will keep this post updated when I figure it out. Maybe write a script for the rest of the people struggling with it.
@Στάθης-Σταθόπουλος I finally found it. The ClickHandler module adds a global event on click to bubble and get picked up by the menu with data-do="rqstOpen,menu" for example and anything that may have events. When you unmount the component this event handler sticks and on remount it adds again a second time which breaks things because when you loadScript from @plugins/menu it re-defines it causing an error. I will make a public script real soon with the code to integrade windy with React unofficially. 15 hours of de obfuscating paid off :P