Layer colors with clear boundaries
See how you can do it at bottom of this post
And you need to reduce the number of colors. You have definitely too much colors. One color per degree does not allow to get a non-smoothed scale. Meteoblue has 25 colors, but 15 is better.
@idefix37 Thank you. So I just made two rows for each couple temp range of two degrees with identical colors.
I did that, but there is a wierd bug, showing black lines as isolines, with variable width. Do you know how would I be able to fix that? -
Could you show the code.
Try to replace
To make a very small smoothed transition.
I remember seeing a similar case. -
@idefix37 Thanks! That did it. Here is the code for the Meteoblue colors, if someone likes them:
[322.9,[125,91,44,255]]] -
And what do you get as Temperature map? At low zoom level -
I also did similar for the humidity map.
Good job keep it up. -
@idefix37 Humidity layer - default with isolines:
[100,[56,70,114,255]]] -
Isolines ? I don’t see them. Or do you mean the boundary between the different color ranges?
Why don’t you show your new Temperature layer ? -
@idefix37 Yes, that's what I mean by isolines. My temp layer is in the post above.
OK thank you. I thought it was your Humidity map.
I see you kept a very wide step between 0% and 30% as it is in the original color scale in Windy.
I changed it to get more details between 0% and 50% and just kept a small smoothed transition between colors explained by this post