Solved AROME 1.3 km will be back
Nevermind, the answer is here: -
Not really sure how you are trading off a much bigger area of a high res surface model against a small area low res altitude model. I guess there must be quite a flying scene that really is into this.
Doesn’t sound great to remove features from one group to favor other sports. Why not keep both? Would be a much better solution :)
With this update, windy takes a huge hit and ill have to find an alternative that provides arome 1.3km at some point. It’s annoying cause I quite like the windy interface.
I have to agree, AROME was one of the best models available in my area (Italy, Veneto).
I was subscribing specifically for this model. And I have just a few weeks ago renewed my subscription.
I hope we can get this 1,3km model back. It was very good.
@Suty What is the advantage of a lower resolution model?
Posting here as well, to express hope that we can get the 1,3km model back, as this is the only AROME model I can get in my area (Italy Veneto)
See the answer here:
Just wondering - does it have to be either or? Can we not have both resolutions? If needed, I would be happy to give up any other model to have AROME 1.3 back...
@Suty So I tried really hard to use the other models over the last few days. On Thursday UKV showed heavy showers for the whole country for the whole day while Met Eireann which is largely based on AROME forecast dry weather for most parts. The second one tuned out to be true. Unfortunately that is often the case. No point in renewing my subscription at this stage...
@lecter Hi, since it looks like there is a huge interest in both types of AROME models. I will discuss it with colleagues. Thank you for your patience.
@Suty Thanks, I really appreciate that
Another vote for Arome ; Im west coast of Portugal and we are just in teh coverage for the 1.5 model which is very accurate here
I also prefer Arome 1.3, it is nailing the predictions on the Asturian coast, as long as Arome 1.3 does not return I will not renew the subscription
Was hoping it was just a bug that the arome 1.3 wasnt working properly, cuts off just before where I am.
I get the 2.5Km version has more parameters but why the sudden change and why not keep both and give the better resolution on the available parameters ?
Also why no info on this guys ?(it would be nice to comunicate a bit ) -
There has been very long discussion about it here. -
@Suty Yes, please!
Yes please, add Arome 1.3 again. But places where I’m spending a lot of time are at the edge (outside) of the covered area.
It can’t be that complicated to keep either both versions available or give the people outside of France Arome 1.3 back. -
I am typically sailing in the galician coast and the arome 1,3 is no longer available, but I subscribed to the premium because of that. Therefore I would like to get my money back. Please confirm my refund.
I think that I will change to windfinder, because the superforecast model is proving to be really good.
Best, -
Most of the time I was using the AROME Model. Sincs this morning it’s no longer available. Will it come back?