Settings default - need consistent features select
Hello Windy friends! Each time I access the mobile app (iOS), with the app running in the background, I have to repeat a Search for my Favorite location, and then have to reclick on the Forecast model select (going to HRRR) and the Display select (going to Wind). At least the Windy app defaults to 1 Hour so I don't have to select that each time as well.
When sailing and holding the wheel in one hand and my cell in the other hand, it becomes tedious repeating this above process, and having to continue burrowing into the feature selects.
I want the app to remember my preferences and revert to them each time. Is there a way to set permanent the Windy defaults so that I don't have to request the favorite Search and then activate the subordinate "Frct Model" and "Display as" settings?
Editorial - please no HRRR hate! :)
I agree with you; this process could be more streamlined. We will take a look.Anyway, there are ways to make things a bit faster in your scenario.
Save your favorite places and pin them on the homepage. This way, you get instant access from HP that you can see on the start-up or after clicking on the home button
and/or you can add the forecast widget on the iPhone screen ---> if you go to the app from the widget, it automatically opens location + detail forecast
little people know about the long pressing of the home button. It gives you a detailed forecast of your current location immediately
The startup layer can be set in the settings
David, very much appreciate your response. I would love to save my favorite places and pin them on the homepage. When I click on the Account function in the lower right-hand corner of the screen, and ask for "My favorites" to be displayed on the map...that doesn't happen. No favorites appear. When I click on the Pin to see pinned map items, favorites do not appear.
Which is why each time I want to check my location, I 've been going into the Search function and clicking on a prior queried location, thus restarting the entire feature selection process.
The only resolve I can figure is clicking on my personal account icon which pulls up the list of favorites? This indicates that the app might be working as intended, and I am a dumb user who is struggling to understand and optimize the interface.
Answering an open question from above, I now see under Settings that users can enforce with a toggle to Remember 1h/3h setting . Perhaps we can streamline by also allowing users the ability to enforce a particular desiredforecast model (HRRR, ECMWF, et al) as wel as Display as (Basic, Wave&Tide, Wind, et al).
Thanks for everything you do.
Sam Graber, Premium subscriber